Monday, September 3, 2007

Task 5

Tuesday 4th September

Today i began work on task 5. I have dug into it and have already done two plans and the schedule. My plan for next lesson is to continue with research into the product that i want to create packaging for.

Thursday 6th September

Today i put my front cover of the packaging design into motion. I feel good about it. It looks simple at the front but elegant which is the look im going for. It will most likely change several times throughout production as i get picky and bored with it but for now im happy. Here's a view of it, though it's very bad quality.
Thursday 13th September
Today i did the side covers of the box. I researched different designs of paper boxes. The one that i based my design around, i realised this lesson, was measured in inches and not centimetres which is what i originally thought, and subsequently based my covers in centimetres. Changing the box size shouldnt be too difficult though.
Thursday 20th September
Today was spent finishing research task 1. No work was done on task 5. I plan to have it finished by tuesday next week. All assignments MUST be handed in on thursday next week (27th).
Tuesday 25th September
Today was spent drawing designs for the boxes as i had to change my plan from 5 inches to 5 cm, and finally decided on the box instead being 10cmx10cmx2cm. I Still need to make the box lid by thursday and glue the packaging onto it. Other than that, mostly the assignment is all finished.
For task 5, i opted for the chocolate box idea, which would come in small packages in hotels. I quite enjoyed this assignment as it was fun designing something onscreen and printing it off and seeing the idea/design 'in the flesh' put into motion by placing it on the box (which was also my own design and construction). I encountered a few minor problems along the way. I designed the box to suit 5 cm when my original box design was in inches as it was from an american site. After that i re-sized my design to 10cmx10cm. I then designed my own box (10cmx10cmx2cm deep). After that most of the making and designing was smooth sailing. The only thing i would have changed was the material i made the box out of. Paper is just too thin for this type of thing, so i would have used a thin carboard. The other thing i left out was the inside of the box. I designed a 'key' which tells the buyer/hotel guest about the 4 different flavours of the chocolate, but i ran out of time and didn't finish it or print it off and stick it inside the box. I also didnt design any placement/slots/grooves for the chocolates to sit properly in.