Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Task 3

Okay so a bit, well extremely behind in posting.
Task 3 is well underway

i'll start from this last lesson and try as i go along to remember what i did on all separate lessons.

Tuesday 22nd May
This lesson i began work on my storyboard. Im still all out of ideas for the animation
Already completed loading sign, and have yet to do my Festive animation, although i imagine that isnt the hardest part of this task.
I have already done the research task.

Thursday 24th May
This lesson i hope to begin work on Corel R.A.V.E with my animation. Therefore i hope to have done my storyboard.

Monday 28th May
This lesson i began work on mu festive animation
This was after doing work on my draft of the storyboard.

Thursday 31st May

This lesson i worked some more on my festive animation.
Had some complications with animating the tree.
Did not get it finished in time so i will have to complete it in my own time.

Tuesday 5th June
Submitted Final copies of the animation.
I could not work out how to put up a picture of my animation.

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